Original source: efotovoltaika.cz
From 2024, small municipalities with up to 3,000 inhabitants and larger municipalities with more than 3,000 inhabitants have a great opportunity to receive very favorable subsidies for the purchase of photovoltaic power plants for objects in their property. The Ministry of the environment together with the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic are releasing billions of dollars of investments from the RES+program. Thus, municipalities have reached and can use a modern reliable source of energy in the form of photovoltaics.
Interesting subsidies for municipalities
"We have implemented efficient photovoltaic solutions for municipalities, which provide significant savings and a quick return on investment. Thanks to the new preferential subsidies, which we will provide administratively and technologically in full, municipalities can count on a return on investment within 4-7 years.“
Photovoltaics for small communities
The application for subsidies for small municipalities has the designation RES+ No. 3/2024. The subsidy is intended for the installation of new photovoltaic power plants with an installed capacity of up to 1 MW (inclusive). The task is designed for small communities of up to 3,000 inhabitants.
Thus, municipalities with a small population of up to 3,000 residents can receive up to 75% of financial support for the installation of photovoltaic systems on roofs and canopies of public buildings. This initiative is announced as a one-time non-competitive procedure, and its cost is CZK 1 billion.
Who can apply for a subsidy?
Municipalities with a population of up to 3 000 to 1. 1. 2023 according to the Czech Statistical Office.
What is supported?
- Photovoltaic projects with one or more transfer points to DS/PS, installed on buildings including shelters (e.g. for cars, construction equipment, material storage, etc.) owned by the applicant and located on the territory of the applicant’s municipality.
- Part of the support for the installation of photofoltaic plant can be:
- Battery accumulation systems produced electricity.
- Investments in the renovation of roofs on which photovoltaic plants will be installed and in the modernization of electrical installations in buildings with newly installed photovoltaic plants.
- Implementation of energy management, including control software and measurement and control elements to optimize energy production and consumption.

What are the eligible expenses?
- Direct realised costs related to the aided project, such as works, supplies and services.
- Project preparation, including studies of construction and technological solutions and project documentation.
- Activities of professional technical supervision, copyright supervision and BOZP (Occupational safety and health).
- VAT (if there is no possibility to deduct VAT).
When can the project be implemented?
Supported projects must be completed no later than 3 years after the decision.
What are the other conditions?
- Only photovoltaic plants located on roof structures or on the outer walls of buildings connected to the ground by a solid foundation and registered in the Land Register, including shelters (e.g. for cars, construction equipment, material storage, etc.) will be supported.
- At least 80% of the electricity produced from the newly installed photovoltaic plants for the entire project in the annual balance sheet must be consumed in the investment-affected objects of the applicant.
What is the amount of subsidy?
The total amount of the subsidy will be determined on the basis of the parameters specified by the applicant when applying. The actual amount of aid will be definitively determined after the project is completed on the basis of the eligible expenditure actually incurred and proven.
Photovoltaics for larger communities
Call RES+ 4/2024 is intended for larger municipalities with a population of over 3 000 inhabitants, towns, public entities and entities 100% owned by the public sector wishing to purchase photovoltaic modules for roofs and shelters of public and commercial buildings and public land. Applicants will be able to use the subsidy to cover the cost of equipment for storing both electrical and thermal energy and its controlled consumption.
The aid also covers the reconstruction of roofs on which photovoltaic modules will be installed and the modernisation of related electrical installations.
Who can apply for a subsidy?
- County
- Village
- Churches, religious societies and their associations and legal persons associated with them
- Self-governing urban districts and urban districts or organisations set up or wholly owned by such self-governing units

What can be obtained from the subsidy?
The subsidy is intended for the installation of new photovoltaic power plants (PPP) with an installed capacity of up to 1 MWp (inclusive).
What is supported?
- Joint projects of PPP construction, which include several smaller projects with more than one transfer point to DS/PS located on the territory of the municipality.
- In addition to support for PPP installation, they can also be supported:
- Battery power storage systems
- Necessary investments in the renovation of roofs on which solar modules will be installed and in the modernization of electrical installations in buildings with newly installed solar modules
- Energy management systems including control software and elements for optimizing energy production and consumption
When can the project be implemented?
Supported projects must be completed no later than 5 years after the decision.
What is the amount of subsidy?
The amount of the contribution depends on the installed power and accumulation capacity.
How difficult is the paper work?
With a reliable partner, there is no need to worry. Professional installation companies have extensive experience and are ready with subsidies and all administrative assistance to municipalities, companies, apartment buildings and family homes with the implementation of a profitable photovoltaic solution. This solution effectively reduces energy costs and modernizes operations through photovoltaics, but it can also provide, for example, intelligent management of energy flows.